The Historical Origin of Trenggalek City, East Java

Trenggalek is a district in East Java Province, Indonesia. The center of government is in Trenggalek city. This regency occupies an area of ​​1,205.22 km² which is inhabited by ± 700,000 people. It is located on the south coast and has a northern border with Ponorogo Regency; To the east with Tulungagung Regency; To the south with the south coast; and in the west with Pacitan Regency. Capture Unforgettable Moments 30 List of Most Beautiful Tourist Places in Trenggalek.

Culture and Tourism

Trenggalek has many resting places and tourist attractions that have pristine beauty that has not been changed by the conditions of the times, such as caves, beaches, and beautiful mountains.

Lawa Cave. It is one of the largest and longest caves in Southeast Asia. Prigi Beach. The center of tourism and the economy of Watulimo District residents. There is a fish auction place and it is the Nusantara Harbor. White sand beach. Approximately 2 km from Prigi Beach. Famous for its pure white sand. Rainbow Beach. This beach, which is located in Panggul District, has extraordinary beauty. It has beautiful waterfalls and small islands. Larung Sembonyo. Coastal traditional ceremonies that always attract the attention of foreign and domestic tourists. Held once a year at Prigi Beach. Blado Beach. Located in Munjungan District, it is a natural tourist spot in the south of Trenggalek City, which is famous for its clove and durian plants. Dam Bagong Ceremony. Held once a year by offering buffalo heads to be floated in Bagong River. Brongkah Temple. It is a temple that contains the history of the origin of Trenggalek. Town square. A family recreation facility that is always crowded by Trenggalek residents, especially on Sunday nights, as well as on the days leading up to the proclamation of Indonesia's independence where in the Trenggalek town square a bazaar and a people's amusement park are held that can entertain children and adults Turangga Yaksa Dance. It is a typical dance of Trenggalek Regency. and on the days leading up to the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia where in the town square of Trenggalek there was a bazaar and a people's amusement park that could entertain children and adults. Turangga Yaksa Dance. It is a typical dance of Trenggalek Regency. and on the days leading up to the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia where in the town square of Trenggalek there was a bazaar and a people's amusement park that could entertain children and adults. Turangga Yaksa Dance. It is a typical dance of Trenggalek Regency.


One of the famous figures in Trenggalek is Dyan Arya Menak Sopal, better known as Menak Sopal, one of the regents or rulers of Trenggalek. Official information about Menak Sopal has not been written much, but a site in the form of a tomb can be found in Bagong hamlet, Ngantru sub-district, Trenggalek sub-district. Menak Sopal is known as a hero to the peasants in Trenggalek, his efforts to build a dam or reservoir along with the accompanying irrigation canal developed into a legend that accompanies the tradition of alms to the earth which until now is carried out by the peasants in the Ngantru village in the month of Sela. it is said that when building the reservoir, Menak Sopal and his followers had difficulties because the building that was damming the Bagong river always collapsed. after a few days of meditation finally, Menak Sopal knew that the cause of the collapse of the dam building was due to the actions of the white clothes stealth that controlled the river. After meeting the white clothes stealth, finally the demon was willing not to interfere with Menak Sopal's great work by asking for a white elephant as sacrifice. Long story short with a little trick, Menak Sopal managed to provide the White Elephant sacrifice to Bajul Putih. For information, there is only one owner of the White Elephant in the Wengker area, namely a widow in the Ponorogo area. Long story short with a little trick, Menak Sopal managed to provide the White Elephant sacrifice to Bajul Putih. For information, there is only one owner of the White Elephant in the Wengker area, namely a widow in the Ponorogo area. Long story short with a little trick, Menak Sopal managed to provide the White Elephant sacrifice to Bajul Putih. For information, there is only one owner of the White Elephant in the Wengker area, namely a widow in the Ponorogo area.

Kamulan Inscription.

From the time of Kediri there are only a few things that can be noted, especially during this time the emergence of the Kamulan inscription which is located in Kamulan Village, Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency.

Starting from the Kamulan inscription, it can be proposed a time when the Andalan Perdikan was born. In the Kamulan inscription, the year of manufacture is stated, namely the year 1116 Caka or the year 1194 AD. The inscription was issued by King Sarweswara Trikramawataranindita Srngga Lancana Dikwijayotunggadewa or commonly known as Kertajaya. It was this king who succeeded in expelling his enemies from the Katang area thanks to the help of the Kamulan people.

Based on this inscription, the anniversary of Trenggalek Regency was determined on "Kliwon Wednesday" on the 31st of August in 1194. That day and date was used as the anniversary or birthday of Trenggalek Regency.

According to the administrative evidence available in the Trenggalek Regency Government Section, the names of the Regents who have served in Trenggalek Regency are:

Early Trenggalek Age

1. Sumotruno (served in 1793) 2. Djojonagoro (served in …) 3. Mangoen Dirono (served in …) 4. Mangoen Negoro I (served in 1830) 5. Mangoen Negoro II (served in … – 1842) 6. Arjokusumo Adinoto (served 1842 – 1843) 7. Puspo Nagoro (served 1843 – 1845) 8. Sumodiningrat (served 1845 – 1850) 9. Mangoen Diredjo (served 1850 – 1894) 10. Widjojo Koesoemo (served 1894 – 1905 ) 11. Poerba Nagoro (served 1906 – 1932)

The Trenggalek Manunggal Age .

With the reunion of the Assistant Regent's area in Panggul with the Assistant Regent's area of ​​Trenggalek, Karangan and Kampak, at that time Trenggalek was an administrative area in the sense that it had its own territory and did not merge with other Regency areas. The Regents who have served from that time until now are: 1. Noto Soegito (served 1950) 2. R. Latif (served 1950) 3. Muprapto (served 1950-1958) 4. Abdul Karim Dipo Sastro (served in 1950) 1958 – 1960) 5. Soetomo Boedi K. (served 1965) 6. Hardjito (served 1965 – 1967) 7. Muladi (served 1967 – 1968) 8. Soetran (served 1968 – 1974) 9. Much. Poernanto (served 1974 – 1975) 10. Soedarso (served 1975 – 1985) 11. Haroen Al Rasyid (served 1985 – 1990) 12. Drs. H. Slamet (served 1990 – 1995) 13. Drs. H. Ernomo (served 1995 – 2000) 14. Ir. Mulyadi WR (served 2000 – 2005) 15. Suharto (served 2005 – 2010) 16. Ir. Mulyadi WR (served 2010 – present)

The growth and development of Trenggalek if studied in depth is indeed different from other districts, even though both are in the Mataram area. The root of the word "Treng lan Galih" which later due to the influence of the spoken language became "Trenggalek" is very compatible with the shape and character of the earth Trenggalek. Because of that, as a prayer and hope "History of Trenggalek" is always accompanied by the slogan "JAYA WIJAYAGUNG TRENGGALEK JAYATI".


Brongkah temple signs can be found on the Trenggalek-Tulungagung road, approximately 1 km west of Durenan Market (if turning south towards Prigi). By following the direction indicated for 300 m, we arrived at the location of the temple. Apparently the temple is 3 m below ground level, so the first thing we saw was a sign that said BRONGKAH TEMPLE in the courtyard of one of the residents. Only after we approached, we saw a temple foot with a little puddle of water around it.

Administratively, Brongkah Temple is located in Brongkah Hamlet, Kedunglurah Village, Pogalan District. The location is at the foot of Mount Rajekwesi and adjacent to the River / Kali Ngasinan. The Ngasinan River itself is the path of early human movement from Pacitan to Wajak Tulungagung, so it is not impossible if in later times civilizations arise around this river.

Brongkah Temple was first discovered in 1994 when the land owner intended to dig a well. This discovery had received attention from related parties so that several important statues could be secured. One of the statues found was identified as a nandi, so it is possible that the background of Brongkah Temple is Hinduism. Nandi is the bull of Lord Shiva, one of the gods in Hinduism. Judging from the shape of the foot of the temple, the possibility of Brongkah Temple is included in the temples of Central Java style. However, to identify the true history of this temple, you must go through accurate research, it is not enough to make a cursory observation like this. The history of Trenggalek itself is quite long, recorded since the Pu Sindok era this area has received attention from the Ancient Mataram Kingdom,


In ancient times Trenggalek was known as a barren and dry area, so many people ate tiwul rice / cassava. This caused a sense of concern for the government officials of the Duchy of Trenggalek, especially the Duke of Minak Sopal. Because of his sense of responsibility towards his people, Adipati Minak Sopal had the idea to build a dam so that the water could flow through the rice fields in the Trenggalek area, which was once famous for rainfed rice fields. In realizing this idea, Adipati Minak Sopal built a dam in the Bagong area.

To build the Bagong Dam is not easy because the flow of water from the north is very large so that the dam is broken and damaged. The dam's breakdown and damage was apparently due to the actions of the famous Wilis Mountain Area Ruler named King Bedander. It is said that King Bedander was hostile to the Duke of Minak Sopal because of territorial disputes. For this reason, King Bedander threatened that Trenggalek would be destroyed by bringing large amounts of water from the river north of Trenggalek. Because there was a threat from King Bedander, the Duke of Minak Sopal tried to overcome it by making Dam Bagong.

However, before discussing the Bagong Dam, we need to listen to the events of King Bedander's hostility with the Duke of Minak Sopal. In the past, King Bedander had an area on the slopes of Mount Wilis. Because of his ambition he wanted to develop the region to the south.

The southern region is the territory of the Adipati Minak Sopal area so that there is a territorial struggle. In order not to sacrifice his people, Adipati Minak Sopal invited King Bedander to compete for supernatural powers. Due to a challenge from the Duke of Minak Sopal, King Bedander and his soldiers set out together for Trenggalek. Because the journey from the slopes of Mount Wilis was very far, King Bedander's entourage rested in the Srabah area by sticking his umbrella in the ground which finally until now the former rest of King Bedander in Srabah named Watu Payung because there is a stone that resembles an umbrella.

After resting in Srabah, King Bertander's entourage continued their journey to the south. In the south of Srabah village, King Bedander's entourage rested again. While resting, King Bedander's entourage entertained themselves with gamelan accompaniment. After the fatigue was gone, the king's entourage set out again to the south. But before leaving the gamelan which was used as an accompaniment for the entertainment earlier, he said King Bedander became a stone which is now called the "Batu Gong" or gamelan stone, because in that area there are stones that resemble gamelan instruments.

Around Ngares, in the middle of the forest, King Bedander met with Adipati Minak Sopal. They fight for magic for days. Because they were tired they rested, after the break they both invited to compete again by cockfighting. Both of their cocks are also very powerful, because every claw fight sparks fire. But in the end, Adipati Minak Sopal's cock hit and scratched King Bedander's cock so hard that it fell to the ground. After falling to the ground there was a strange incident that Raja Bedander's cock turned to stone and Adipati Minak Sopal's cock became a lump of steel. It turned out that because of the magic of each ruler, King Bedander created a rooster from stone and Adipati Minak Sopal created a rooster from steel.

Now, because he felt that he had not lost, King Bedander invited him to compete in a supernatural battle. However, in this fight, King Bedander was hit by Adipati Minak Sopal's dagger. Finally King Bedander ran away and his blood splattered on the road. He breaks the blood keeps flowing so the land was given the name "Lemah Bang" which means red soil. Even though King Bedander has lost, he still has not accepted his defeat, even though it will bring flash floods from the slopes of Mount Wilis.

To keep the threat from King Bedander, there is a condition that must be done, namely to build a water dam. A suitable place is in the Bagong area, but requires a sacrifice. This was obtained by a wisik (whisper) from Adipati Minak Sopal's parents whose father was the stealth King Crocodile and his mother was Roro Amis. From his parents' suggestion that the dam (dam) will not break if a white elephant is sacrificed. Even though the white elephant has only Mbok Roro Krandon from Ponorogo.

So one day the Duke of Minak Sopal went to Ponorogo to borrow a white elephant. because it was only borrowing, finally Mbok Roro Krando gave the white elephant to the Duke of Minak Sopal, and the Duke also promised to return it (Mbok Roro Krandon did not know that the white elephant was made a sacrifice). The White Elephant before being used as a sacrifice was caged in the Gemleng area, which until now has been given the name "Watu Kandang".

One day the White Elephant was brought to Bagong Dam to be slaughtered and dumped in the Dam (dam). The result is that the dam is strong and does not break.

However, Mbok Roro Krandon became worried if Adipati Minak Sopal did not keep his promise, to return his white elephant had not yet been returned, so Mbok Roro Krandon waited at the mountain on the Ponorogo-Trenggalek border. Even because he waited too long for Mbok Roro Krandon's stick to be eaten by moths (termites), so it became rotten (bubuken). However, the results did not come, so the former place for Mbok Roro Krandon's waiting was called "Mount Sebubuk".

Hearing that his White Elephant was slaughtered for the sacrifice of the dam or Bagong Dam, Mbok Roro Krandon iklas for the safety and welfare of the people of Trenggalek. For that reason, the custom of slaughtering elephants is still carried out. Because now elephants are rare, especially the white ones, so every year they are replaced with buffalo. Where the process takes place sacred and festive.

At that time, at the Bagong Dam site, a buffalo was slaughtered, the head and legs were thrown into the Bagong Dam dam to be fought over by the people. While the meat is cooked to entertain the guests. In the evening there is a shadow puppet show that lasts all night until the morning a ruwatan procession is held with the aim that all Trenggalek people are protected from disasters and their welfare is improved. This is the story of the origin of the Bagong Dam in Ngantru Village, Trenggalek District / Regency. 

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