Kotlin Programming Language.

Kotlin is a programming language that has come relatively popular in recent times. This comes after Google declared full support for kotlin as the main language for erecting android operations.

Kotlin at a regard.

Kotlin is a programming language that runs on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or can also run using the LLVM compiler. Originally, kotlin was developed by JetBrains with support from Google, now it's growing fleetly. This programming language has a simpler source law, and supports both Object Acquainted and functional programming generalities.

Kotlin history.

Kotlin was first released in July 2011. Kotlin was developed for 1 time by Dmitry Jemerov, author of the book “ Kotlin in action” together with Svetlana Isakova. The name kotlin itself comes from the islet of Kotlin nearSt. Petersburg. Kotlin is the 3rd programming language supported by Android besides Java and C. Since its release in September 2018 which is interpretation1.3 kotlin has 2 train extensions videlicet. kt and. kts.

The advantages of Kotlin.

  1. Mature Kotlin is a ultramodern but mature programming language that aims to make inventors happier.
  2. Concise Compact and interoperable with Java and other languages, and provides numerous ways to exercise law between different platforms for productive programming.
  3. Safe Code Kotlin guarantees that the law we write doesn't beget crimes as much as possible during the compendium process. An illustration of one of its features is null- safety.
  4. Protean Can be used for mobile operation development, customer- side and garçon- side.
  5. Interoperable with Java Can be run in confluence with the Java programming language.
  6. Further features Kotlin has a lot of features. For illustration lambda expressions inline- functions, null- safety, coroutines, compass functions, when expressions, companion objects, data classes, and others.

Why should we learn kotlin?

  • Programming language for Android.
  • Android development will come decreasingly Kotlin-first. Google I/ O 2019
  • Academically honored.
  • Popular in the artificial world.
  • Kotlin job bulletins have increased by further than 1400 since 2017. Source Bones.
  • Kotlin is one of the swift- growing programming languages and ranked 4th in the Github Octoverse 2019.
  • The introductory generalities are easy to understand.
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms.


Suitable to learn for those of you who want to be suitable to makemulti-platform operations.

Completely supported by Google for erecting Android apps.

Supports colorful paradigms, videlicet Object Acquainted Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming.

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